Biden Invades VA Schools – Again!

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Biden administration are once again targeting conservative parents and school districts -- they are coming for us. Biden has fully weaponized the DOJ to go after Roanoke County Public Schools in an attempt to prevent them from adopting Governor Youngkin’s revised model policies on transgender issues by any means necessary. 

There is nothing this administration won't stoop to in order to protect their radical leftist ideology and the LGBTQ agenda. 

That's exactly why we need your help!

Help us stop the “Biden Invasion” of our local schools and undermining common sense policies that respect parental rights, constitutional protections and the bodily safety and privacy of young kids!

We have learned that Biden’s Department of Justice’s Community Relations Service (CRS) wrote a letter to RCPS about the disruption that occurred during a school board meeting last month caused by trans-activists who were protesting Governor Youngkin’s 2023 Revised Model Policies and said that a “conciliation specialist” wanted to help respond to “community tensions and hate crimes.”  Of course, there were no reports of so-called hate crimes – only the dismissal of radical activists who interrupted the public meeting repeatedly to the point they had to be dismissed.

This tactic is meant to intimidate local school boards and stifle the efforts of parental rights groups, including The Family Foundation’s Protect Every Kid Initiative, from influencing local school boards to adopt the revised model policies. 

However, this isn’t the first time the DOJ has injected itself into Virginia school board matters. Remember when the National School Board Association wrote a letter to President Biden after the Loudoun County School Board meetings calling parents domestic terrorists, which led to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland issuing a memo to the FBI directing them to use its authority and resources to discourage parents from speaking out at school board meetings.

Basically, the Biden administration is finding ways (or making up reasons) to insert itself into the policy-making efforts of duly elected or appointed school boards.

This is federal intimidation, pure and simple.  But we have fought too hard on this issue to give in!

The Family Foundation has long been fighting against the gender ideology in schools, including opposing the legislation that led to the creation of the Transgender Model Policies created by the Northam Administration.

In 2021, it was The Family Foundation that spearheaded a state-wide Protect Every Kid campaign to encourage parents to urge their school boards to reject the old 2021 model polices, and we watched as over a dozen localities, from Russell County to Hanover County, bravely chose parental rights over the transgender ideology.

As soon as Governor Youngkin was elected, we made it a priority to seek changes to the model policies so that they respected parental rights and protected the privacy and safety of young kids, which finally happened last month.

And now our Protect Every Kid Initiative, is working hard to influence local school boards to adopt the 2023 revised model policies. 

Yet, now that the DOJ has injected itself into this issue The Family Foundation will have to work even harder, use more resources, travel more frequently, and spend more time communicating with citizens on the ground as well as local school board members, to encourage them not to bend to the pressure of the federal government.

Please consider contributing to The Family Foundation today and help us continue the fight to protect the hearts, minds, and bodies of school children in Virginia.


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