2020 Mid-Session Report Card on Religious Freedom

“Religious liberty simply evaporates as a fundamental right grounded in the U.S. Constitution, and recedes into the background in the wake of what is now a higher social commitment—sexual freedom.”
- Dr. Albert Mohler
President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“[W]e are in a zero-sum game: a gain for one side necessarily entails a corresponding loss for the other side. . . . And, in making the decision in this zero-sum game, I am convinced society should come down on the side of protecting the liberty of LGBT people.”... 
- Chai Feldblum
Former Commissioner of the EEOC, and
LGBTQ activist

Never in Virginia has there been such a dramatic assault on religious freedom, where legislators are either zealously pushing for or otherwise caving to a radical LGBTQ+ agenda, which not only seeks to compel people to celebrate these lifestyles, but aims to utterly ruin anyone who dissents.  Our fundamental right to live in accordance with our deeply held religious convictions is simply being ignored by legislators in favor of a prevailing societal religion of sexual perversion. 

We’ve compiled the votes for each legislator during the 2020 Session through the midway point on a number of bills that elevate “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to specially protected classes, always at the expense of religious freedom and truth itself.  Below are the letter grades for each legislator and link to view the entire report.  This "Mid-session Report Card" is intended to educate constituents as well as provide legislators a chance to see how they are faring on an issue important to so many Virginians.


Emergency Alert: This Bill Will Destroy Churches and Religious Schools!


Things To Keep An Eye On At The Half-Way Point