Urge Senators to SUPPORT Pre-born Life!

Tomorrow (January 20), a Senate Education and Health subcommittee will hear the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (SB 1385), carried by Senator Steve Newman (R-Lynchburg), which would prohibit abortions when the baby can feel pain (15 weeks).

SB 1385 would protect babies from painful late abortions, and protect women from the risks of the dangerous abortion techniques used in these heinous abortions.

The subcommittee will also hear the “Virginia Unborn Child Protection Act” (SB1284), carried by Senator Travis Hackworth (R-Russell), which rightfully recognizes that life begins at conception and would prevent abortions at all stages except to save the life of the mother or if pregnancy is the result of rape.

Please urge your Senator on the Senate Education and Health subcommittee to SUPPRORT Pro-life Bills!

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, these bills are scheduled to be heard on the day millions of Americans will be marching in Washington D.C. for the National March for Life.

Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned and the decision to legalize abortion is once again in the hands of elected representatives, legislators can no longer hide behind Roe and Casey or use it as a defense to keep abortion legal. It is imperative now more than ever to fight to make Virginia a safe place for the unborn.

In 2020, most of Virginia’s pro-life protections for the unborn and women were stricken from the law, making abortion laws in Virginia some of the most extreme. An average of 16,000 unborn babies are mercilessly destroyed through the act of abortion in Virginia every year.

We cannot allow this stand, but in order to see important pro-life bills pass your voice is needed!


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