Life After Roe

We rejoice and celebrate life today, on this two-year anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision. This legal victory, which overturned the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, has saved more than 32,000 lives and counting. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we watch states across America restore protection for the unborn with strong pro-life laws. However, this has not been a universal response -- especially not in Virginia.


Virginia remains the only southern state to not prohibit or restrict abortion since the Dobbs decision. Now the abortion industry has set its sights on making Virginia the Abortion Capital of the South. Democrat leadership in Virginia is seeking to further this vision by introducing a bill to amend Virginia’s constitution to allow for unrestricted, unlimited, and up-till-birth abortions.


Already, Virginia has felt the impact deeply.

Yet this isn’t where we throw in the towel. Now more than ever, our team at The Family Foundation is committed to not just protecting the unborn in Virginia but changing the cultural mindset about the value life - from the beginning until natural death.  Our work doesn’t end until abortion isn’t just prohibited, but unthinkable. Here's what we plan to do:

  • March around Virginia’s capitol to demonstrate to our elected officials that Virginians are for life.

  • Rally behind communities seeking to ensure their locality is a safe zone for life.

  • Continue to advocate to all levels of government for the protection of unborn life.

  • Engage our shepherds on the issue of life; partnering with churches to share the message and necessity of living and honoring Psalm 139:13-16.


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