Dangerous VA Schools Policies Are Spreading!

Between the Presidential election and debates, the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, Virginia’s own ongoing special legislative session, the coronavirus, and everyday family activities, we understand there are so many important things happening in our world right now to focus on.  Unfortunately, the ideological Left is busy taking full advantage of those “distractions” to implement its radical philosophies to indoctrinate our children and transform our communities.  In fact, it’s happening right now in Amherst, Fairfax, and Loudoun counties, and is likely happening in every county and city around the state. 

Amherst County

The Amherst School Board is considering Policy Item 3.04, which would add the concepts of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” (SOGI) to the school district’s policy on sexual harassment. It would effectively pressure every student and teacher into embracing the “LGBTQ” ideology.  If approved, these policies would not only officially allow for every student to have unrestricted access to all sex-specific facilities, but it would compel students, teachers and administrators to use certain speech - phrases or pronouns - that conflict with deeply held convictions (not to mention biological facts), or be reprimanded by the school – just like what happened to former West Point High School teacher, Peter Vlaming.

The proposal was introduced last month, but as a result of the backlash from outraged parents, the Amherst School Board was forced to “table” the proposed policy until the next meeting.  They are expected to meet again on October 15 at 5:00 p.m. to reconsider the policy.

Fairfax County

The Fairfax County School Board – which adopted LGBTQ teachings into its already sensitive and values-laden sex-education materials – paid a total of $44,000 to author Ibram Kendi to conduct virtual training for teachers and administrators, and enough of his books about “critical race theory” to be used as required reading for K-12 students.  If you’re not familiar with Kendi, just know that he is the one who accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, of “white colonialization” because she and her husband adopted two orphaned children from Haiti.

Loudoun County

The Loudoun County School Board is not only promoting books by Ibram X. Kendi, but it has reportedly spent a whopping $422,500 in taxpayer funds since 2018 to pay for staff training on critical race theory, of which $314,000 was paid to The Equity Collaborative in Oakland, CA, for such training.  What’s even more troubling is the Superintendent of Public Schools is proposing sweeping changes to its “Professional Conduct” policy at the School Board’s October 13 meeting that would prohibit any school teacher or administrator from speaking negatively – either publicly or privately – about any “equity” or “critical race” teachings used in Loudoun County public schools.

In each case, the policies being proposed undermine parents’ ability to teach their children values in accordance with their own religious convictions and the values they deem necessary to help them be good citizens.  These policies will also have a chilling effect on the free speech for students, teachers, and parents for years to come.  

Please continue to monitor what your local school board is up to, as their decisions will have the most direct impact on you and your family. And please let The Family Foundation know about any concerns you discover so that we can help!



Virginia Parents Under Siege!


CWA’s Amy Coney Barrett Bus Tour Comes to Hanover, VA!