Why is Northam Admin Hiding Reasons for Taxpayer Abortions?

Last Tuesday, our Founding Freedoms Law Center went to court to challenge Gov. Northam’s Dept. of Health over its insistence on denying us access to public documents that disclose the DOH’s reasons for approving taxpayer-funded abortions.

Unfortunately, today the court ruled against us and by extension against every Virginia taxpayer, claiming that what we requested was exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

While we disagree with the decision, we always knew that forcing the government to produce these documents would be an uphill battle. But having exhausted every other option, we had no other choice but to sue.

Despite the disappointment of today’s outcome, we have no doubts that fighting this all the way to court was the right thing to do, especially when we considered the magnitude of what this involves – the destruction of innocent life (in greater numbers each year), the conscience rights of taxpayers forced to foot the bill, and the huge lack of government accountability.

We’ve come to learn that sometimes – even when you’re right on the law and the morality of an issue – things don’t always go your way. But that doesn’t mean you don’t fight, and keep fighting. Because life, and families, and liberty and truth demand and deserve to be fought for.

It is troubling to think that the Northam administration is fighting so hard to keep secret its reasons for approving requests for tax-funding for abortions. It only makes us that much more suspicious of what is being passed off as a “physical deformity” or “mental deficiency” to qualify for the funding – especially when our own Governor went on record as supporting killing disabled children AFTER they are born.

One thing is sure: Nothing will ever deter us from fighting to protect innocent life in Virginia. This only emboldens us because we see the high stakes and we know we must do everything we can to expose and defeat this evil agenda.

Thank you for your support and your prayers as we continue the fight.   


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