Here’s How To Monitor Dangerous “Transgender” Policies

School boards all across Virginia in the coming weeks will be voting on the Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE) published Model Policies for the Treatment of “Transgender” Students in Virginia’s Public Schools that undermine parental authority, endanger student bodily privacy, and jeopardize free speech.  In Loudoun County, the voices of concerned parents have dominated some national headlines.

We need your help monitoring these very policies that local school boards in Virginia are now considering!  Click on the image below for instructions on how you can track the policies being considered by your local school board.  Then visit our #ProtectEveryKid webpage to download legal resources you can give your school board representative and to mobilize concerned citizens to speak out on these egregious policies.


We’ve also learned that instead of actually adopting written policies, some school boards – at the direction of the Virginia School Board Association – are amending the legal references in existing school board policies to add Virginia Code § 22.1-23.3, which directs VDOE to create the model policies (see below for an example from Louisa School Board policy). This approach will effectively adopt the entire 27-page radical Model Policies without actually adding the new language into the existing policies. Do not be fooled by this deceptive approach.


We are most effective when we speak up with one voice. Now is the time for parents, grandparents, and concerned citizens to speak out against these dangerous policies that jeopardize the safety of children as well as our fundamental freedoms.


Intern Spotlight: Connor Thomas


Object to the LGBTQ+ Agenda, Go To The Closet!