Pride Cometh Before the Fall

Despite recent survey data showing a sharp decline in support for same-sex marriage and by extension gender ideology. Yet, the Left is doubling down on this agenda that undermines religious liberty and harms the physical and mental health of young children.

According to a recent Ipsos/Reuters poll, support for same-sex marriage among Americans has fallen to just 51%, which is an eight-point drop from the peak of support for it in 2021. In a Pew Research poll, since September 2017, the percentage of voters who believe sex is observed at birth has risen from 53% to 65%. Even among Democrats, recognition that sex is observed at birth has dropped by nine points within that time frame.

Additionally, the poll reveals that over half of voters (56%) say they are not comfortable with compelled pronouns, particularly when using “they” or “them”. The data even demonstrates that a majority of Black voters are not in agreement with the notion that one can change their gender, thus confirming that this voting block maintains traditional views of sexuality and gender.

The percentage of Republican-leaning voters who agree there is either male or female, as observed at birth, has grown from 79% to 91% in seven years. As Republican voters grow more united on the issue, Democratic voters are increasingly becoming more divided, with only half of them believing that the “Pride movement” is beneficial for society.

So, what is contributing to this trend? The decline in support could be attributed in part to its hyperactivity in recent years, from forcing its agenda in schools, businesses, entertainment, and everywhere in between, even lengthening its acronym to LGBTQQIP2SAA and the creation of the “Progress Pride Flag”. It is now undeniably in your face. Worse yet, there’s a push to accept as “normal” pedophiles, now being deemed “MAPS” (minor-attracted persons) and NOMAPS (non-offending minor-attracted persons); regardless if they act on their perverted desires. This extreme swing of the depraved ideology, therefore, has only lessened support from voters.

Based on this polling data, it appears that overall public approval of “LGBTQ+” lifestyles isn’t as rosy as it once was. Yet liberal elites are still aggressively pushing policies that elevate sexual orientation and gender identity at every corner. A New York Times article reported that documents indicate the Biden Administration influenced the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to amend its guidelines for “transgender care” to eliminate the age qualification out of fear of provoking political fallout. In turn, the Biden Administration arrogantly relied on the WPATH as the basis for their policies on gender “reassignment” surgeries. It doesn’t stop there.

·  There’s Jack Philips, the Christian cake shop owner who refused to make a cake for a same-sex wedding and is now being targeted in yet another lawsuit twelve years later for refusing to bake a cake celebrating transgenderism.

·  The FBI is intimidating a Houston doctor who went public with information regarding transition surgeries performed on minors at the hospital where he worked. Now he’s faced with four counts of criminal HIPAA violations – even after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released a statement that these surgeries qualify as child abuse.

·  Further, there’s Biden’s revisions to Title IX. This turns a 37-word policy into a thousand-page dismantling of female athletics and bodily safety.

The gap between Americans and the politicians representing them is getting wider and wider. Even Virginia’s Republican Governor Youngkin signed a bill codifying same-sex marriage and contributing to the falsehood that sex and gender are separate concepts. Politicians are being pressured on all sides to compromise their moral values. Thankfully, there are glimpses of hope. There are now twenty-two states with legislation on the books to prevent the mutilation of minors under the guise of “Gender Affirming Care.” Some states like West Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, Florida, and more, have said they will not comply with Biden’s draconian Title IX policy re-write. The tide is turning around in certain parts of the country – our hope is it will happen here in Virginia as well.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

- Proverbs 16:18


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