Gov Northam Surveilling Churches!

Week after week during this coronavirus “pandemic” we’ve watched Governor Northam give updates on the alleged number of infections in Virginia and issue numerous Executive Orders imposing questionable policies that encroach upon individual liberties and provide for criminal penalties. In particular, his Executive Orders mandating face coverings in public places and limiting public gatherings have made it very difficult for retail stores, restaurants, entertainment establishments, and churches to function. 

But if that wasn’t troubling enough, now the Governor is encouraging people to anonymously report businesses such as grocery stores, restaurants and even gun ranges, to the Department of Health if they are believed to be violating Executive Orders 63 and 65 for exceeding gathering limits and face covering requirements.  Worse yet, there is a specific category for religious services and a place to type in the church’s name!

Most people can agree that it’s okay for the Governor to encourage everyone to be conscientious of the health and safety of others by taking precautions like wearing a face covering.  However, using administrative agencies to not only enforce his mandatory face covering policy and limits on public gatherings, but to create an anonymous hotline that encourages citizens to “snitch” on businesses and churches is something until now we’ve only seen in fascist or communist regimes.

When businesses are struggling to survive financially, the last thing the state needs is a major incentive for competing businesses to make false claims all to just get a leg up on their competitor.  Or in the case of churches, radical anti-religious activists may use this hotline to make bogus claims simply as a way to close the doors of a church that’s essential to communities during a crisis.

This week Governor Northam announced that “Phase Three” of reopening Virginia will go into effect next week (July 1).  But theme parks like Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens have issued statements that Phase Three, which would only allow up to 1,000 people to visit the theme parks, still doesn’t make it economically viable for them to begin operating and will remain closed. 

These policies are clearly becoming an issue in which at least one state lawmaker from the Governor’s own political party is willing to speak out against, even if it means backlash from otherwise friendly allies.  Senator Chap Petersen (D-Fairfax) is representing Jon Tigges, who owns the Zion Springs Farm and Winery, and Linda Park who owns a Japanese-style restaurant, who claim the Executive Orders are unconstitutional.  In a statement, Petersen said “[The Governor] is using powers that are supposed to be for an emergency but, instead, he’s basically passing long-lasting and semi-permanent laws that are preventing them from operating their businesses.”  According to Petersen, Governor Northam is making broad-sweeping policies without any legislative approval which violates the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government.

Throughout the past 100+ days, we’ve witnessed how religious worship services have been unfairly treated, seemingly singled out as a primary culprit for the spread of COVID-19, despite any meaningful evidence.  Now the government is encouraging people to infiltrate, monitor, and report on those churches that are thought to be operating outside the Governor’s seemingly endless decrees.

Clearly, Governor Northam and his administration have assumed some unprecedented powers that should inspire all Virginians to begin demanding proper checks and balances be restored.



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