The Left’s Collateral Damage

Written by Naomi Knakal & Grace Hemmeke

The Los Angeles Times released an article accusing 20-year-old de-transitioner Chloe Cole of, “trying to erase transgender children” after sharing about her personal experience transitioning, and her struggle as she realized that she had always been a girl, and despite the gender-transition industry’s best efforts and destructive results, she would never be a boy. 

Chloe responded on X to the LA Times accusation, saying, “This article is insane. They heavily insinuate that by speaking about my own personal experience, it will literally kill children. This is the same rhetoric that almost killed President Trump. I already fear for my life every time I step on a stage, thanks for heating up the rhetoric, LA Times.” 

How did our society arrive at a place where powerful media conglomerates have the culture’s approval to attack a young girl for sharing truthfully about her experience?

The claim was not only inflammatory, but it also blatantly disregarded the truth of Chloe’s experiences and the suffering she underwent in order to fully realize who she was as a person. But to our cultural elites, the truth does not matter if it does not fit the narrative of liberal media institutions and woke elite. 

There’s no better example of this than this year’s Olympic opening ceremony. Every viewer around the globe was made witness to what historically has a prestigious showcase of the host nation instead turned into a hyper-sexualized and blasphemous depiction of the Last Supper, redone by drag queens and trans people. Paris Olympic staff issued an apology, claiming that the Last Supper was not their inspiration. One said, “Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group.” But the drag queen at the center of the depicted scene stated otherwise when she posted the opening ceremony and the painting of the Lord’s Supper as a side-by-side comparison on Instagram, with the caption, “Oh Yes! Oh Yes! The New Gay Testament!” 

Not only is radical transgender ideology pushed in our faces during global, family friendly events, but it is also weaponized to tear down a 20-year-old woman recovering from surgical trauma. 

The Left has been attacking vocal Christian conservatives for years; this is not new. However, a new group of people is now being caught in the crossfire. Regular Americans. Whether it is the Olympic athletes who simply came to compete, young people who must live with the effects of puberty blockers, or people like us who simply turn on their television to watch the Olympics, nothing is off limits. The battle does not exist between politicians and cultural elites alone. All Americans are collateral damage.  


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