Liberalism Up in Smoke!

Virginia’s special legislative session and other recent events have further exposed a new radical liberalism and its hypocrisy in the Commonwealth.  With the expansion of the power and scope of government as their ultimate objective, and the ever-shifting identity politics as their primary strategy for justification and power, leftist policymakers are void of any consistent principles that are essential for good governing.

Take, for instance, the following example. During the (still ongoing) 2020 Special Session, the liberal majority made it possible for a person to smoke recreational marijuana (not yet legalized) in a vehicle with a minor present, without being punished.  As part of their criminal justice and police reform initiatives, the liberal majority passed legislation prohibiting police from searching a stopped vehicle even if they can actually smell marijuana in the car. Remarkably, this legislation was passed just six months after the same liberal majority changed Virginia law to make it illegal to smoke cigarette products in a vehicle with a minor 15 years old or younger (previously, a person would’ve been fined for smoking in a vehicle with an eight year present).

I’m sure we can all agree that second-hand smoke is bad for anyone, especially kids.  However, it appears that liberals were so “consumed” with the desire to decriminalize marijuana that they ended up passing legislation negating their earlier policy addressing smoking in cars with minors.

Another example of the Left’s hypocrisy is that they support efforts to punish human sex traffickers and protect children while actively promoting a Department of Health sex text line that encourages young teenagers to speak anonymously with complete strangers about sex, sexuality, STDs, and other personal topics, all without their parents’ knowledge.  The liberals are so obsessed with sexuality -- even offering a government sponsored program that instigates teenage curiosity for all things related to sex and sexuality -- that they’re willing to encourage young kids to use their cell phones to contact complete strangers and potentially violate the very laws they claim to support.

As we can see through these examples, liberalism, especially when aided by a complicit media and a disinterested or distracted citizenry, makes a complete mess of public policy!

These leftist tendencies are not limited to Virginia. Just two weeks ago during the Senate Judiciary’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) excoriated Judge Amy Coney Barrett for using the phrase “sexual preference” in one of her writings, suggesting that phrase was “offensive and outdated.”  How dare Judge Barrett – now Justice Barrett! – use a phrase that, just the day before, was perfectly acceptable and had been used publicly a few months prior by Democrat Joe Biden, as well as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg in 2017.

Unfortunately, because modern-day liberalism lacks any substantive core principles, those who align with this ideology are forced to constantly reinvent their views and behaviors to appease endless unappeasable groups.  Webster’s Dictionary actually had to step in within 24 hours to update its definition and usage guidelines of the term "sexual preference" in order to conform to the ever-changing modern liberal ideology.  How exhausting that must be for liberals – and for Webster’s Dictionary!

In contrast, according to Dr. Paul Kengor, President Ronald Reagan was guided by 11 core conservative principles: Freedom, Faith, Family, the Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life, American Exceptionalism, The Founders' Wisdom and Vision, Lower Taxes, Limited Government, Peace through Strength, Anti-Communism, and Belief in the Individual.

Here at The Family Foundation, we too are guided by organizational core principles, which are firmly rooted in biblical and conservative values. They provide us with a clear direction and help us to define our mission. Some our organizational core principles include:

1) Human life, from fertilization until natural death, is sacred, and the right to life is fundamental to all other rights.

2) Marriage, as a lifelong union between one man and one woman, is an institution of God and a foundation for civil society.

3) Parents are ultimately responsible for the care and well-being of their children and should therefore be free from intrusive government involvement.

4) The role and jurisdiction of government is clearly prescribed by our Constitution and consequently should be restrained from excessive involvement in the lives of citizens.

5) The right of conscience and the right to practice faith according to personal convictions are sacred and should not be denied or infringed.

It would appear that those among the liberal Left just don’t understand that having core principles, which transcend man’s own self-interests, are essential for policy making because they ensure that those making decisions will not be swayed by the ever-changing winds of cultural preferences. Without a firm adherence to core principles by those who make our laws, the only results that we can expect are conflict, confusion, and corruption. Sadly, for now, that is what we are experiencing in Virginia.


72 Days and Still Going…


What’s that, Pelosi for President?