Meet Our Interns: Eric Pomaville

Meet Eric Pomaville! Eric was born and raised in Clovis, California, and resided there for 22 years. His father was born in Detroit, Michigan and his mother was born in Fresno, CA and he is proud to call himself a third generation immigrant. Eric is in his third year of law school at Liberty University School of Law and he spent his undergraduate at Fresno State University, which is where he felt called by God to preserve religious freedom in the United States. Eric feels especially called to protect religious freedom in the classroom and allow students and teachers alike to share their Biblical beliefs without fear of persecution. 

When asked about a circumstance where Eric had to defend his religious beliefs and convictions, he remembers a situation in high school where he participated in a small news broadcast that was televised to the entire high school. He wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas as the school was approaching Christmas break. Eric was told by the school’s administration that the term, Merry Christmas, may offend those who are non-believers. As a result, Eric refused to comply with their request and was “allowed” to wish the school a Merry Christmas, which is a legal, public holiday he will adamantly add. This event set the foundation for his calling to be an attorney for religious liberty. 

A few fun facts about Eric is that he particularly enjoys the movie, the Land Before Time. However, he will tell you that his three favorite movies are Star Wars, Dunkirk, and Hacksaw Ridge. He vehemently dislikes all of the newest Disney Star Wars movies. 

Something that Eric is most excited about partaking in during his time at The Family Foundation, is to provide help to protect religious liberty as well as to protect life in Virginia now that Roe vs. Wade and Casey have finally been overturned. Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” is a verse that is especially important to Eric because it reminds him to keep a humble mind when dealing with complex legal issues and to lean towards the Lord for his understanding of the Lord’s law and Truth. 

Eric’s political convictions stem from his Biblical worldview. A few individuals that helped shape his worldview, would be his parents and the former Student Affairs Dean at Liberty Law School, DJ. Both Eric’s parents and DJ continue to provide support and guidance to him as he completes his law school journey. 

Eric’s desire to seek the Lord’s Truth above all else has been a valuable addition to The Family Foundation this summer. We are thankful for his boldness in always pursuing the Truth and for doing so in a way that glorifies the Lord. 


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