Welcome to the Legislative Action Center!

You’re just a few clicks away from making your voice heard! In this Action Center, we have made it as easy as possible for you to communicate with your elected officials and make a difference. Our hope is that you have been moved to action, to make your voice heard, and to make an impact.

Stay Informed with our: 2025 Legislative Updates

Support: A list of some critical bills that would positively impact life, families, parental rights, religious liberty, the dignity of human life, and limited government.

Oppose: a list of some bills that would negatively impact life, families, religious liberty, and limited government.

Make Your Voice Heard

Action Alerts

Governor Action

Contact your legislator!

Your voice is essential during Session. Legislators need to hear from you about important bills! The Legislative Action Center allows you to communicate directly with your legislators on a specific piece of legislation.

Contact your legislator at any time. Below are links to the phone directory for all senators and delegates. Want to call them about a bill or issue? Simply give them a call! They represent you.

Want To Do More?

Check out additional ways you can help and actively participate in the General Assembly!


How does our state constitution get amended? See the chart below to understand the process!

Not sure who your representatives are? No problem! Click the button to find out!

Want help knowing how to discuss these difficult and controversial issues? Check out our Speak Up! Talking Points!

Urgent Federal Updates

Get informed. Take action.

The Family Foundation is a state-based organization that focuses on issues happening in Virginia. However, we always keep a finger on the pulse of the federal level. On occasions when there is an important family-related legislation that needs action, you can be sure to hear about it here! Contacting your U.S. Senator and Congressman is just as important as contacting your state legislators.