Is Virginia the next Ohio?

In the upcoming 2024 legislative session, there will certainly be an excess of liberal legislative priorities pushed by the new Democrat majorities in the House and Senate, but the two that will garner the most attention will be: 1) to initiate the process of enshrining unrestricted abortion on demand into the state constitution, and 2) completing the process of commercializing the sale of highly potent marijuana, effectively legitimizing the use of illicit drugs.

That’s because the left will apply the same gameplan used in Ohio that resulted in 57% of voters approving a ballot measure that enshrined abortion into its constitution and a legislative initiative essentially legalizing the sale of recreational marijuana for persons 21 and older.  If Virginia follows the same path, liberals are poised to make Virginia the official abortion safe haven and the recreational drug capitol of the South.

For the abortion amendment it will be up to pressure groups like The Family Foundation and concerned citizens to stop it because the Governor has no constitutional veto authority when it comes to resolutions amending the state constitution. We need to convey the message that if this amendment becomes reality, it will further endanger the safety and well-being of both the child and the mother who will be subject to unsafe clinics with absolutely no oversight.

However, Governor Younkin will have the ability to veto any legislation that commercializes the illicit drug market, which means we will work with our allies to pressure all elected officials to not ruin our communities and endanger the health of young children by legalizing the sale of marijuana.

In addition to these two issues, the new liberal majority in the General Assembly also seems to be focused on increasing taxes for hard working Virginians, policies that will increase home energy costs, and promoting policies that undermine traditional family values.

Throughout the General Assembly session our policy team will be working hard to evaluate each bill to determine the impact on families, religious liberty, parental rights, and limited government. You will be able to track these bills right along with us by visiting our Legislative Action Center, which will contain helpful bill updates, action alerts and blogs, and quick video summaries.

While we do not know exactly what bills will be introduced this year, here’s some of the things you can count on us either supporting or opposing:

Please continue praying for our policy team as they prepare for what will be an extremely challenging legislative session. With your prayers and your engagement, we can still make a difference.


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