Gov. Northam Promotes More Teen Sex Text Hotlines

In spite of the thousands of comments by concerned parents from all across the state about the Teen Sex Text Hotline that Governor Northam promoted over the summer (which has since ceased), he has now “repealed and replaced” this pilot program with at least two more ways for teens to communicate with complete strangers about sex, sexuality, and gender identity, among other topics without parents knowing!

The Virginia Department of Health’s website now promotes links to three webpages where young children can communicate with someone anonymously without parents even knowing – including with Planned Parenthood!

Parents, beware of these new sites that encourage your child to speak to complete strangers without you even knowing.

  • Planned Parenthood has two methods for accessing information about sexual health, relationships, and growing up - Roo or their live chat tool.

  • Scarleteen is a website with that provides information about “sexual health,” and provides a phone number that any teen or child with a phone can text or call to speak with a complete stranger.


Essentially, the Governor has turned the VDH website into a hub for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry to market their “services” to young teens. 

This information came to light just prior to a House subcommittee meeting this morning in which it defeated HB 2084 (R-Byron), a bill that would have protected vulnerable children by prohibiting VDH or any entity it contracts with, from initiating communications regarding health-related matters with a minor without the knowledge and consent of the minor's parent.  SB 1235 (R-Peake), which is an identical bill to HB 2084, will be heard in a Senate committee later this week. 

During today’s subcommittee hearing, a representative from the Governor’s office showed up just to testify against the bill – an act that should demonstrate exactly how much they value these programs that allow your children the chance to talk with a complete stranger from Planned Parenthood!

Parents, please stay alert more than ever with what your kids are being exposed to. Meanwhile, we will keep you apprised of this and any similar developments so you can better protect your children.


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