Intern Spotlight: Jeremy Hill

This summer, we are excited to have eight interns working with us in policy, law, grassroots, intercessory prayer, media, IT and election campaigns. Since their start date on June 1st, they have already contributed valuable work that advances the mission of The Family Foundation. In addition to their normal responsibilities, they also participate in our weekly EQUIP Worldview Academy for high school seniors and college-age students.

For the duration of our internship program, we will release a bio of each intern, written by one of their fellow interns, so you can get to know The Family Foundation Intern Class of 2021. Today's bio was written by Policy and Grassroots intern Josiah Beahm.


Originally from Evansville, Indiana, Jeremy Hill has moved around many times due to his Father being a Southern Baptist Minister. This has taken him to many places, including Orange County, California, and Wyoming. He currently lives in Louisville, Kentucky while attending Boyce College. While growing up as the son of a minister certainly had its challenges and difficulties, but it also helped to bring Jeremy out of his introverted shell. Being both shy and strong willed as a child, Jeremy has turned that strong willed nature into an unstoppable political force for change wherever he goes. He is currently a rising sophomore at Boyce College majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. He eventually wants to go to Law School after he finishes this degree. 

From starting at Students For Life at 16, starting and running an unplanned pregnancy supply center at his church, and threatening legal action against his community college over free speech rights, Jeremy has always fought for what is truly good in the areas around him. He was the State Captain for Students for Life in Wyoming, and is a current State Captain for Kentucky. He also spearheaded a massive email campaign at Boyce College for a bill that got signed by the Kentucky Secretary of state. 

When he is not saving the world from evils such as abortion and restrictive speech codes, Jeremy enjoys doing anything outside. From going to the gym, swimming, running, and kayaking, he enjoys anything that keeps him active. This love for being active also showed itself when he was on a competitive swim team in high school for almost 5 years. Having musically gifted parents, Jeremy still enjoys singing, as he did this in his church choir. His favorite music to listen to is country and Pop, or in his words, Brad Paisley and Katy Perry. Jeremy is also known to break out in song to Les Mis, or God Bless America. 

He enjoys his various pets, including a Goldendoodle named Frankie, and two cats. He also enjoys telling stories; once someone sits down and gets to know Jeremy, they will soon hear multiple stories that sound like they should be in a novel. From early childhood to modern day, Jeremy has a deep story archive that shows a heart for fighting for godly principles in a dark world. Jeremy also enjoys talking about theology, and it’s very obvious that he has a solid understanding about what he believes and why he believes it. 

Jeremy’s favorite thing about working at The Family Foundation is that they focus on the most important issues, and that their focus is on things that happen on the local and state level in Virginia. Working for The Family Foundation Action, The Family Foundation's sister organization, has really shown Jeremy how The Family Foundation is willing to work with anyone who agrees with them on the issues that matter to Virginia families, and that issues such as marriage and life are bi-partisan. His favorite Bible chapter is Psalm 23, which helped him through many difficulties over the years.

The Family Foundation Action is thrilled to have Jeremy as an intern this summer, and we know that he will apply his heart for truth and justice to help families thrive!


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