Intern Spotlight: Trey Hampton

This summer, we are excited to have eight interns working with us in policy, law, grassroots, intercessory prayer, media, IT and election campaigns. Since their start date on June 1st, they have already contributed valuable work that advances the mission of The Family Foundation. In addition to their normal responsibilities, they also participate in our weekly EQUIP Worldview Academy for high school seniors and college-age students.

For the duration of our internship program, we will release a bio of each intern, written by one of their fellow interns, so you can get to know The Family Foundation Intern Class of 2021. Today's bio was written by C4 intern Jeremy Hill.


Originally from Virginia Beach, Virginia, Trey Hampton currently lives in Mechanicsville, VA. Trey attends Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA, and he loves the campus for the many assets it provides to students. He also chose Liberty for its Christian conservative background. He is a sophomore who is using his gifts in creativity and imagination to major in graphic design and is spending his summer as a Family Foundation Action intern.

From meeting Candace Owens to being heavily involved in BLEXIT, Trey has been involved in politics for awhile. BLEXIT is a great organization due to its ability to help him meet like-minded black conservatives. He got involved in BLEXIT when he was involved in the Young Black Leadership Summit where BLEXIT was introduced. Trey has carried his involvement with BLEXIT over to The Family Foundation Action where he is an intern this summer. The countless stories of door knocking and phone calling brings vigor to Trey as he fights daily for the noble goals of The Family Foundation Action. 

When Trey is not interning with TFF Action, he enjoys watching anime, listening to music and playing video games with friends. His dream jobs are becoming a voice actor and working in graphic design. Other interesting facts about Trey are that he has a dog, he wants to go to Japan one day, and he is currently learning Japanese. Trey also enjoys playing the trumpet. 

Trey has many interesting stories about his life and from his time as an intern, including when he was chased across the street when he told someone he was with TFF Action. The wealth of stories that arise from door knocking and phone calling keeps Trey’s story archive alive and robust. 

Trey is especially passionate about protecting the pre-born. Abortion is an issue that remains close to his heart, and it is one of the reasons why he is interning with TFF Action this summer. He hopes that his passion for creating a culture of life in Virginia will benefit The Family Foundation so we can all work together to see a day when Virginia bans abortion once and for all. Trey also likes The Family Foundation because he sees us all as a large family who supports each other and comes alongside one another through the good times and the rough times. He has been a great addition to our team and we look forward to seeing where he goes next!


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