Meet Our Interns: Ann Melise Mullins!

Meet Ann Melise Mullins! Ann Melise was born and raised right here in Richmond, Virginia. She is a familiar face around The Family Foundation, as she and her family have been active volunteers and supporters for quite some time. Her dedication to The Family Foundation began when she was just 14 years old, working first as a page for the General Assembly. This summer, now having completed her first year of college at Liberty University, she is joining our intern team to supplement our policy and media departments.

The most important thing about Ann Melise is her love for the Lord. She takes her faith very seriously and seeks to apply a Biblical worldview to every aspect of her life. Stemming from her heart to honor the Lord in all she does, Ann Melise has a particular zeal for civic engagement. Her family has always been the type of family to welcome dinner table discussions, and she can even remember her parents and grandparents listening to the late Rush Limbaugh, from the time she was a small child. She hopes that throughout her career she can use her platform in politics to faithfully uphold justice, truth, and righteousness. Her favorite verse being Psalm 17:15 “As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness and when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness,” we have no doubt that her heart and mind are postured for such successes.

Ann Melise’s family instilled within her a passion for travel and culture. She has been fortunate enough to travel stateside to about 35 different states on RV camping expeditions. Her bigger adventures have taken her to a variety of countries within Europe, including England, Switzerland, Italy, and Scotland. Ann Melise is also a big reader, with Gone With the Wind, 1984 by George Orwell and East of Eden ranking as her top 3 novels! If you were to ask Ann Melise who she looks up to or considers a hero in life, she’d tell you that she has both a biblical and an historical hero. Biblically, she admires Job for his unwavering faithfulness and his understanding that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Historically, she strives to possess the same commitment to her convictions that Winston Churchill so often displayed.

Once Ann Melise completes her degree in Politics and Policy from the Liberty University Helms School of Government, her dream is to find herself employed by a non-profit political think-tank, as a policy research analyst. For the time being, however, she is thrilled to play a part in The Family Foundation’s efforts in advocating for policies that maintain parental rights and encouraging parents to be an active voice within public school districts. We are so blessed by her sweet spirit and incredible work ethic this summer!


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