Second Chance to Stop Funding Teen Sex Text Hotline!

Tomorrow, October 1, the Senate will consider a floor amendment (Item 299 #1s) that would stop the Governor Northam's BrdsNBz sexual health text line for teens.  Senator Steve Newman (R-Forrest) plans to introduce a floor amendment that would basically provide checks and balances on how the executive branch contracts with third party entities, like the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA), which manages the sex text hotline and seeks to help youth get abortion care in their communities.

Action: Urge your Senator to Support a Floor Budget Amendment that Regarding Third Party Contracts!

Yesterday, the Democrat-majority in the House of Delegates came to the defense of Governor Northam's sex text hotline - Talk2MEVA - which allows teens to text an anonymous stranger about relationships, sexuality, STDs, contraception, and more -- all without their parents even knowing!  On a party-line vote they defeated a similar budget amendment introduced by Delegate Kathy Byron (R-Bedford) that would've cut any funding for this program.

See what Victoria had to say!

As disappointing as that was, there will be another chance tomorrow to pass a budget amendment in the Senate that would put an end to this dangerous program, and others like it, that undermine your parental authority and endanger children.

Action: Urge your Senator to Support a Floor Budget Amendment that Regarding Third Party Contracts!


Save 4,500 VA Kids Educational Future


Sex-text Line Contradicts Everything We Teach Our Kids About Safety