Schools Keeping Child's Preferred Gender Secret From Parents

If you are the parent of a public school student or just someone deeply concerned about the radical left’s school policies and curriculum, then you should consider joining a virtual townhall discussing “transgender” policies in schools.  Tomorrow, December 15, at 6:00 pm, Equality Virginia and Side by Side, two organizations that are leading the effort to force dangerous policies concerning “gender identity” into every part of the public school system, will host a virtual townhall with special guest, First Lady Pam Northam.  This is an opportunity to hear exactly how they want to transform our schools!  (Click on the image below to register.)


The focus of this townhall discussion will most likely be on the Virginia Department of Education’s model school transgender policies that were mandated by law earlier this year.  By request, we were able to obtain a draft of the model policiesand we can say that they are so offensive they’ll create a school environment that’s even more hostile towards faculty and students with deeply held religious and personal convictions.  Here are just a few examples from those draft policies:

  • “School staff should be prepared to support the safety and welfare of transgender students when their families are not affirming. … Whenever school personnel suspects or becomes aware that a student is being abused, neglected, or at risk of abuse or neglect by their parent due to their transgender identity, they should report those concerns to Child Protective Services immediately.” Parents who talk with their children about their God-given sex would be at risk of being accused of abuse or neglect, achieving the same outcome of a bill (HB 580) that was introduced during the regular legislative session but failed to pass.

  • “School divisions will need to consider the health and safety of the student in situations where students may not want their parents to know about their transgender status … There are no regulations requiring school staff to notify a parent or guardian of a student’s request to affirm their gender identity...” This language suggests that schools will be permitted to help a student explore, facilitate and make decisions regarding their expression of sexual identity while at school, without a parent even knowing!

  • “A school administrator may need to direct school staff to abide by the wishes of a student on their asserted name and pronoun. A school employee’s intentional and persistent refusal to respect a student’s asserted name and pronoun is considered discriminatory.” This policy would allow a school division to find any teacher that objects to using pronouns inconsistent with a student’s biological sex, as in the case of Peter Vlaming, is discriminating and thus be cause for termination.

These troubling policies proposed by DOE show just how far our government will go to force all students, faculty and administrators to comply with an empirically false view of sex and gender, even if it directly conflicts with their own fundamental beliefs.  Between January 4, 2021 and February 3, 2021, you’ll have an opportunity to tell DOE these policies go too far.  As we approach this public comment period, we will be sure to provide you more information about these dangerous policies.


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