Action Alert: Stop Biden’s Extreme LGBTQ Agenda in Schools!

The Biden Administration is using the federal rulemaking process to take away critical opportunities from women and girls in order to force the LGBT political agenda in every public school.


This summer, on the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, President Biden’s Department of Education continued to advance its radical agenda by proposing a federal rule that redefines “sex” in Title IX policies to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”  In doing so, Biden is using the very law passed to increase women’s opportunities to instead nullify those opportunities by giving them to men pretending to be women.


The proposed rule specifically declares that preventing a student from participating in any school activity “consistent with their gender identity” subjects a student to harm on the basis of sex.


If this goes into effect, the Department of Education will use the power of the federal government to:

  • Force girls to share private spaces like showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms with males all over the United States.

  • Cause girls to lose sex-specific scholarships to males who identify as female.

  • Ensure the LGBT political agenda is incorporated into every public school curricula and policies.

  • Silence girls who express concerns about their privacy and safety, and shut down any opposition to “transgender” ideology by labeling disagreement as “discrimination.”

  • Allow students to file official harassment claims if they are not addressed by their preferred pronouns, even when those do not align with their biological sex.

  • And much more!

The impact of this rule change could be even more far-reaching. Remember, this is the same administration that deployed the FBI to investigate our communities because parents are standing up and speaking out against gender theory and government mandates at their local school board meetings!


We need your voice to push back against these rule changes that will impose a radical gender ideology on students, violate the bodily privacy and safety of young girls, and undermine parental rights.  Please submit a public comment opposing this dangerous rule! Tell the Department of Education you STRONGLY OPPOSE ANY CHANGES in their education policies that redefine “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”


If you would like a template to use for your public comments, here a three comment starter letters you can choose from:

You are welcome to incorporate the concerns mentioned above, but the more personal you can make your comments, the more helpful that will be.  Share with the Dept. of Education how this will impact your daughter or family, violate privacies and opportunities for women, impact students and teachers, and how redefining sex in Title IX defeats the purpose of providing opportunities for women.




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