The Church’s Response to the 2023 Election
As we grapple with Virginia and Ohio’s election results and the moral collapse of our nation we must stop and wonder where we went wrong. And we must also look to the future and wisely choose how we move forward. Church, you are the key to restoring our nation, not an elected official, not a bill, not a Governor’s signature. Everything we know and understand stems from the objective truth explained to us in God’s Word. Without it we are lost as a nation, seeking a moral compass from the lies perpetrated by the king of the world who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. There is no inherently good thing in our secular world and no innocent message outside of the Truth (I John 2:16-17). It is time to boldly proclaim the truth into our culture.
As more and more young people graduate from secular public schools and spend countless hours doom-scrolling social media, they are bombarded with lies, gaslit into perceiving evil as good, and led blindly down paths of destruction. Not far down the road, they find themselves confused about who they are, physically damaged, and reckoning with hidden internal wounds. Without the Light shown to them, they are left navigating the hurt alone and sucked into the deception that tells them their actions are good and therefore justified, which is the only thing they have to patch over their hurt.
It is with this mindset that they go to the ballot box. It’s why we lost in Ohio and Virginia on the issue of abortion. Zealous pro-abortion advocates may have been spreading outlandish lies and using fear-mongering rhetoric that anyone who knows the truth could see through, but without ripping apart lies, vigorously countering with the truth, and offering a more loving and honest counternarrative, people were sucked into the deception. The reality of what abortion does to the unborn child and the deep scar it leaves on the mothers and fathers has to be shared. Compromising on evil only leads to more pain; staying silent on evil lets it remain. (II Chronicles 17:3-6, 27:2, II Kings 12:2-3)
Church, our children need you. Our women and men need you. The family is being torn to shreds by the porn industry, gender confusion, gambling, sexualizing education, and abortion. We do not stand a chance against the abortion industry and its radical movement that preys on those hurt by sin’s pleasures if we do not reach our young people and instill in them the value of life, from conception to natural end. This begins in the pews, in the small metal chairs of the Sunday school rooms, and the eight hours and five days spent in the classroom. These young hearts and minds need shepherding; a formation of a biblical worldview to filter out lies and withstand spiritual battles (Colossians 2:7-8, Ephesians 6:11).
If we ever hope to restore the broken, heal the hurt, and change our culture to prevent more harm, we have to start now. We invite you, with the knowledge of our urgent situation at hand, to join our pastor’s summit in three weeks to learn how you can practically become a part of the change. We know from John 16:33 that all is not lost; we can restore our culture and begin moving forward to being a commonwealth and a people that flourish and love the Lord.