Join us for “Mama Bear” Day!
Calling all “mama bears” and those standing for our cubs!
Declaring that "the policy of the United States is to recognize two sexes, male and female," President Trump pledged to "defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience."
Will Virginia elected officials come into alignment with this common-sense thinking? In far too many schools, administrators are still citing outdated Biden policies to justify allowing males to invade girls' private spaces and sports. And leftists in the General Assembly have blocked efforts to put our girls' safety ahead of radical gender ideology.
Join us to challenge our representatives to respect parental rights in key legislation -- and vote against any efforts to undermine those rights in Virginia law. We are stronger when we speak together! We need as many mama and papa bears--and supporting concerned citizens--as possible to join forces on this day, stand together at a press conference and visually demonstrate to support policies that protect parental rights. Join us, wear the color blue, and get your Mama Bear Day stickers!
What: Parental Rights Day (Mama Bear Day!)
When: Tuesday, February 4th
Where: The day begins at The Family Foundation of Virginia office and ends at the State Capitol. More details coming soon!
Will you stand in the gap for protecting our kids -- and for strengthening their parents' rights to protect them -- on Tuesday, February 4th during our Mama Bear Day (Parental Rights Day)? Papa bears & grandparents are welcome too! We will stand for our cubs, and that means standing up for parents' rights.