Will you join us at the State Capitol on Jan. 21 to speak up for putting kids first--not adult agendas--and make our children top priority in our Virginia schools?

We need as many of your voices as possible to stand behind kids and parents asking legislators for education freedom to access classrooms and academic resources where they can thrive and their families' values be respected.

In Virginia, we are still seeing the devastating effects of kids being more than a year behind academically after being trapped without options when schools shut down for COVID. Academic testing continues to show devastating learning loss in reading and math. Plus,  too many schools are still sacrificing kids to adult agendas focused on protecting political DEI-propaganda and over bloated bureaucracy, rather than funding actual classroom needs and children's quality education. How long will children have to wait before adults give them the freedom to thrive at a school that meets their needs?

Virginia needs to stop keeping kids trapped in low-performing schools for the sake of protecting adult agendas.

The bottom line is our kids deserve better – no child should be regulated to failure because of the zip code they live in. Will you help us stand for educational freedom for all families?

Join us for Kids Deserve More Day--kicking off with a rally--Tuesday, January 21 at 8:30am at the Virginia State Capitol. After the rally, we will speak together to legislators to:

  • Create more education freedom through education savings accounts and expanded tax credit for families—which give families the freedom to direct education funds in a way that will help their individual child thrive and/or allow them to access supplemental tutoring or home-schooling resources.

  • Prevent thousands of underprivileged kids from being yanked out of schools where they are currently thriving—because of efforts to cut or end Virginia’s only opportunity scholarship program.

Register to join us for this important event!